As a Writer-in-Residence at Boston University (2018-2019) and a Visiting Scholar at MIT (2018),
I will teach the seminar “Through a writer’s eye”, which will follow a writer’s apprenticeship through medicine, science, and literature. What does it mean to become a writer after devoting one’s life to science and medicine? What are the resonances between scientific reasoning and literary creation? Students will learn about the transformative power of writing when facing personal challenges, and trauma. Topics will include the relation to memory, the experience of violence, identity making and borders, political commitment, etc. They will be explored through short fictions, essays, and articles by Deleuze, Barthes, Calvino, Delbo, Nancy, Freud, Agamben, von Hofmannsthal, Giono, Simon, Nabokov, Levi, Flaubert and Kleist.